ISSN : 2663-2187

Degradation of textile dyes and characterization of ligninolytic enzymes of white rot fungi

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Riddhi Joshi, Mili Shah, Edwin Pithawala
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.1359-1373


White rot fungus employ diverse ways to fully break down lignin and a broad range of environmental contaminants. Oxidative and reductive processes are essential for metabolising lignin and environmental contaminants. White rot fungi release several peroxidases to facilitate the direct and indirect oxidation of substances. Trametes versicolor degrades lignin efficiently through the use of a aggregation of ligninolytic enzymes of extracellular origin, organic acids, intermediary compounds, and auxiliary enzymes. The ability of test cultures to produce laccases and peroxidases was confirmed using Bavendamm's test. Bavendamm's test is effective in distinguishing between white and brown rot decomposition of wood and has shown that L. betulina, T. versicolor, UK4, TE, DSR-1, ISM, and UK2 are white rot basidiomycetes. These white rots degrades range of textile dyes. The Trametes versicolor culture on Kirk's medium agar plates decolorized textile dyes. Remazol Brilliant Blue R, Turquoise Blue H2GP, Reactive Magenta HB, Reactive Orange 3R, Reactive Red 6BX, V5R, BGR, Reactive Red HE3B, Fast Green, and Reactive Golden Yellow 145 (GY145). This study has focused the capacity of Trametes versicolor cultivated on Kirk's medium to remove colour from textile dyes. The correlativity between the growth of microorganisms and the decolorization of textile colours was examined by analysing their growth, decolorization, and the ratio between them throughout a 9-day cultivation period.These fungi exhibit ligninolytic activities, including manganese peroxidase (MnP), laccase (Lac)and manganese-independent peroxidase (MnIP), that decolorizes the textile dyes viz. Turquoise Blue GP, Remazol Brilliant Blue R, and Fast Green.

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