ISSN : 2663-2187

Detection of harmful adulterants in milk supplied to Jabalpur, MP, India

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M Tripathi, S Silawat, M Shukla, M Pouranik, R Gupta, R Panjwani
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si1.2024.258-267


Adulteration is a rising challenge and a matter of concern in most food products in front of the authorities of concerned fields. The problem with milk contamination exists dominantlyin countries, because we don’t have adequate screening and regulating infrastructure to detect point-to-point adulteration. Besides this, the lack of awareness regarding the maintenance of food standards is another big issue that boosts malpractice. Among all the food products, milk is most susceptible to adulteration and can cause serious health issues in consumers. Distribution of Adulterated milk and its consumption poses a bigger threat to consumers, regulators and the milk industry equally in the implementation of food safety standards. There are many detection methods and techniques available globally which are in practice to analyse and differentiate adulterated milk. However, most of them are complexlab-based techniques that limit their application. In this paper, various detection techniques have been used to detect various adulterants present in samples.

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