ISSN : 2663-2187

Detection Of Tricuspid Valve Lesions in Functional Single Ventricle

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Nada Abozaid Elsayed Abozaid, Elsayed Hamed Zidan, Samar Mohammed Shehata, Rabab Mohammed Abdelhay
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.2.2024.1417-1432


Background: Tricuspid valve lesions are commonly encountered in patients with functional single ventricle, a complex congenital heart defect where only one ventricle is able to effectively pump blood to the body, In cases of FSV with tricuspid valve lesion a Univentricular connection is present: when the atria are connected predominantly with one ventricular chamber due to absence of one AV valve (tricuspid valve) or the presence of two valves or a common valve predominately draining in one ventricle of left ventricular morphology (double inlet connection). In both conditions, the left ventricle is of good size and the right ventricle is hypoplastic, missing the inlet portion, and the two ventricular cavities are separated by an interventricular septum. Echocardiography as well as cardiac catheterization are common cardiac imaging modalities. Both modalities have drawbacks; Echocardiography includes operator dependence, limited acoustic shadows, a small field of view, and poor evaluation of pulmonary veins. Cardiac catheterization includes the overlapping of great vessels, difficulty in demonstrating systemic and pulmonary vessels at the same time, catheter-related complications, high doses of iodinated contrast material and ionizing radiation. Cardiac computed tomography (CT) can overcome these limitations. Multidetector computed tomography (MDCT) has recently expanded as advanced imaging modality for structural heart disease imaging.

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