ISSN : 2663-2187

Does Self-Efficacy intervene between Emotional Intelligence Competencies and Academician Performance – A SEM Approach

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Dr G Uma Maheswari, Dr Pavan Patel, Kiranmayi.P, Dr. Satish Kumar V
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 6958-6975


The significance of feelings in work environment is currently a broadly examined perspective, despite the fact on how the faculty members can understand and control their feelings is being thought upon. The article endeavors to comprehend the idea of Emotional Intelligence (EI) in faculty members and how it can be fused in powerful instructing as capabilities of EI for unchallenged execution. It was measurably demonstrated that Emotional Intelligence strongly affect performance of academicians which in turns contribute most noteworthy towards prevalent execution. The examination contributes in the field of EI and mediation of teacher self-efficacy in instructing and recommends that establishments should give basic significance to improvement Academician performance. The findings exhibited that EI and teacher self - efficacy had perceptive impact on educator performance. In view of these discoveries, it is recommended that suitable methodologies and strategies for cultivating emotional intelligence and self- efficacy would go far in upgrading successful educating.

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