ISSN : 2663-2187

Dosing Decency: A Retrospective Analysis of Pharmaceutical Practices and Ethical Dilemmas

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Rashmi*,Sumit Kumar,Harshdeep Srivastava,Anil Babu,Samarth Singh,Dr. Ashish Kumar,Virender Kaur,Jyoti Gwasikoti
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9300-9313


“Dosing Decency: A Retrospective Analysis of Pharmaceutical Practices and Ethical Dilemmas” a review delves into the intricate tapestry of the pharmaceutical industry's evolution, scrutinising its ethical compass across different epochs. This review meticulously examines the historical trajectory of drug development, marketing strategies, and regulatory frameworks, juxtaposing them against contemporary ethical standards and societal expectations. Through a critical lens, it assesses landmark case studies that have shaped public discourse and policy, elucidating the perennial tension between commercial imperatives and moral responsibility. The analysis further explores the role of key stakeholders, including regulatory bodies, healthcare professionals, and the public, in fostering a paradigm that balances innovation with integrity. By reflecting on past practices and their ethical ramifications, this review aims to inform future discourse on ethical pharmaceutical practices, advocating for a harmonised approach that prioritises patient welfare and societal trust. Ultimately, it aspires to contribute to the ongoing dialogue on ethical stewardship in the pharmaceutical realm, underscoring the necessity of principled conduct in advancing public health.

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