ISSN : 2663-2187

Earthworms in Sustainable Agriculture: A Comprehensive Review

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Kritika Sharma¥, Shweta Rana¥, Sonam Zangmo¥, Pooja Nitin Ranjan¥, Kumar Shanu¥, and Pratibha Singh*
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 5657-5686


Earthworms are very essential for the health of the soil and the environment. They help to make sure that the soil is in good condition for growing crops. They do this by making tunnels in the soil, which helps to improve its structure. They also help to recycle nutrients in the soil and make it more fertile. Earthworms also have a positive effect on plants, helping them to grow better and protecting them from diseases and problems caused by the environment. They also help to prevent the soil from being damaged and stop harmful gases from being released into the air. It is really important to look after earthworms and make sure they are part of farming practices so that we can have healthy soil and grow food without harming the environment.Understanding the vital role of earthworms in agriculture not only deepens our understanding of soil biodiversity but also provides valuable insights for maximizing agricultural productivity while minimizing environmental harm.

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