ISSN : 2663-2187

Effect of Birthing Ball on Level of Discomfort and Cervical Dilatation in First Stage of Labour among Primigravida Expectant Mothers

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Ankita Kiran Kharatmal, Nilima. R. Bhore2
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.7.2024.413-421


Pregnancy and normal delivery are areas that midwives serve. birthing ball are a multifunctional delivery item that are readily available to women. The device is helpful to speed up childbirth, increase its effectiveness, increase mother's comfort and aid in the foetal head. Objectives: 1. To determine the pre-intervention and post-intervention level of discomfort among women.2. To measure the pre-intervention and post-intervention dilatation of cervix among women.3. To compare the pre- intervention and post intervention discomfort score and cervical dilation in experimental and control group. Methods: Quantitative research approach and a quasi-experimental control group pre and post-test research design were adopted for this study. The conceptual framework used in the study was ― Modified theory by Ernestine Wiedenbach’s. The study was conducted in selected maternity hospitals of Sangli- Miraj- Kupwad Corporation area. The sample size for the study was 40 primigravida mothers (20 in experimental group and 20 in control group). The sample size was obtained by G. Power software. Samples were selected using non- probability purposive sampling technique. Data collection was done by using demographic variables, observational table for level of discomfort and assessment of cervical dilatation. The data was analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Results: In the present study it was found that after intervention of birthing ball technique there was significant difference in experimental group i.e., p value was 0.001. The result shows that there was significant difference between pre-test and post test scores of discomfort levels and facilitation of cervical dilatation in experimental group. The obtained t value of discomfort score was -15.06, -27.09 and -34.33 and in cervical dilatation -5.87 , -4.53 and -2.69 respectively with 48 degrees of freedom which was greater than the table value and It is evident that the birthing ball is significantly effective in reducing the discomfort and facilitate cervical dilatation among women in first stage of labour. Conclusion: The study findings revealed that using a birthing ball technique effectively decreased discomfort levels and facilitate cervical dilatation. The experimental group of women who received birthing ball experienced less discomfort and expressed a high level of satisfaction with the intervention of birthing ball technique

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