ISSN : 2663-2187

Effect Of Hydroalcoholic Extract Of Tridax Procumbens On In Vitro Hemostasis And Anti Inflammatory Activity

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Dr. D. K.Vir, Ashwini Ashok Didore, Kapil Sirsath, Abhishek Rathod
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1882-1898


All across India, Tridax procumbens Linn is a common herbaceous weed. In traditional medicine, the extract of Tridax procumbens has been frequently used to reduce bleeding and increase its anti-inflammatory properties. The hydroalcoholic extract of Tridax procumbens is assessed for its potential function in hemostasis cascade and anti-inflammatory activities based on its traditional therapeutic value. The purpose of this study was to assess the hemostasis-related effects of Tridax procumbens hydro-alcoholic extract in order to support its procoagulant and anti-inflammatory properties. Using Lee White's approach, the hydro-alcoholic extract of Tridax procumbens was examined in vitro for hemostasis. Its in vitro anti-inflammatory effect was further examined using the protein denaturation and membrane stabilization techniques. The leaves' crude hydro-alcoholic extract showed potent anti-inflammatory and blood-coagulation properties. Tridax procumbens enhances anti-inflammatory action and shortens the time it takes for human blood to clot while also improving focus. Phenols and flavonoids present in the hydro alcoholic extract of Tridax procumbens exert their hemostatic and anti-inflammatory effects by scavenging free radicals, inhibiting platelet aggregation, reducing inflammation, protecting vascular integrity, and modulating inflammatory signaling pathways. The hydro-alcoholic extract clotted in the subject's blood sample in two to three minutes less time than usual. By using the membrane stabilization method, the hydro-alcoholic extract of Tridax procumbens showed a maximum percentage of stabilization of 74.39±3.25% at a concentration of 1000μg/ml. The highest inhibition of 63.39±1.38% was observed at a concentration of 1000μg/ml using the albumin denaturation method. Tridax procumbens hence possesses blood coagulant and anti-inflammatory qualities. The demand for natural sources of potent anti-inflammatory and blood coagulant drugs with minimal side effects to replace manufactured therapies is what spurs this research

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