ISSN : 2663-2187

Effect of weekend alcohol consumption on Blood Pressure control in Non-alcoholic patients engaging in social drinking

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Dr. C Rajendran
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.4.2024.662-666


Social drinking is common in all strata of society. It is often encouraged and considered normal as part of the winding down ritual on weekends. Alcohol is a contributor to Hypertension in a number of patients, the significance of which is often underestimated. Although the effect of heavy alcohol consumption on Blood Pressure levels has been well-studied, the effect of social drinking on BP levels has not been studied enough, especially in the Indian context. Methods: A prospective observational study was conducted and a total of 10 Hypertensive patients engaging in social drinking were recruited into the study. The study group was subjected to a standard questionnaire and the alcohol consumption pattern studied. Their BP recordings after a weekend of social drinking were recorded and compared to their BP recordings after a weekend in which they did not consume alcohol. Results: The study showed that there was a significant rise in BP after a weekend of social drinking in comparison to BP readings taken after a weekend in which no alcohol was consumed. This study found that there was a significant rise in BP levels even after consumption of low levels of alcohol as seen in social drinking.

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