ISSN : 2663-2187

Effects of Soil pH Stress on Plant Development: From Seed Germination to Early Seedling Growth

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Sharmistha Gautam,Nibedita Sarma,Geetashree Sarma,Uddipta Borthakur
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.3461-3473


Seed germination and early seedling growth are critical stages in a plant's life cycle, heavily influenced by internal physiological processes and external environmental factors. Internal factors such as phytohormones like gibberellins (GA) and abscisic acid (ABA) regulate dormancy and germination, while external factors including soil pH play pivotal roles in nutrient availability and root development. Soil pH affects the availability of essential nutrients and can introduce toxic elements like aluminium, impacting root growth and overall plant health. This review explores the effects of pH on seed germination and early seedling development, discussing mechanisms involving nutrient uptake, hormone balance, and microbial activity. Furthermore, strategies to ameliorate pH effects, such as biochar application, are investigated for their potential to enhance soil fertility, mitigate acidity, and promote sustainable crop growth. Specifically, the use of biochar types like Kolakhar demonstrates promising results in alleviating soil acidity and enhancing nutrient availability, thereby improving plant resilience to environmental stresses. Understanding these interactions is crucial for optimizing agricultural practices and ensuring food security amidst changing global climates and soil conditions.

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