ISSN : 2663-2187

Effects of Verbena (Lippia citriodora), Tilia (Tilia argentea), Zucchini flowers (Cucurbita pepo L.) on Lowering the Blood Glucose of Streptozotocin Injected Male Rats

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Mohamed, S. El- Dashlouty.; Mai, M. Khafagy and Alaa, S. S. EL-Shimey
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1366-1384


Objective: This investigation aimed to evaluate the effects of Verbena (Lippia citriodora (LC), Tilia (Tilia argentea (TA) and Zucchini (Cucurbita pepo (CP) flowers powder on lowering blood glucose level of diabetic male rats injected with streptozotocin

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