ISSN : 2663-2187


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Dr. Sangeeta P. Sawant, Dr. Pravin Sawant
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.3490-3496


The present study shows the comparative efficacy of Chanadanbalalakshadi Taila in Dhatukshayajanya Daha by its external and internal application. Changed diet pattern in the current eras doesn’t meet the daily needs of the bodily tissue and it leads into degeneration of Dhatus. Dhatukshaya gives rise to vataproakopa. Prakupita vata spreads pitta from its place to all over the body which results into Daha Vyadhi. Daha is very much ignored condition. Though it is not a serious problem if not treated in time it can become life threatening. Chanadanbalalakshadi Taila is used as a treatment for Dhatukshayajanya Daha. The method used for the study was cross over. Chanadanbalalakshadi Taila showed good result in Dhatukshayajanya Daha. It Proves useful in reducing the symptoms of Dhatukshayajanya Daha i.e. Hastatala Daha, Padatala Daha, Murccha, Trishna, Angasad. Chanadanbalalakshadi Taila is more effective when administered orally than externally in Dhatukshayajanya Daha. The enrolled patients were of moderate to severe grades. More than 80% patients were showing the maximum symptoms in moderate grade. It was found that there was 93% reduction in the severity grades which shows the remarkable change in before and after treatment. Present study is able to give the Efficacy of Chanadanbalalakshadi Taila in Dhatukshayajanya Daha by its different routs of administration.

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