ISSN : 2663-2187

Enhancing ATM security system by using Iris (Eye) Recognition.

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ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 6124-6134


Newly inventedIris recognition which is a part of biometricidentification,offeringand purposing an antique method for personalidentification, authentication and security by analyzing therandom pattern of the iris. By using iris recognition system recognizes the identification of a person from a captured image by comparing it to the human iris patterns stored in aniris template database. The iris template database has been carried out by using three steps the first step is segmentation. Hough transformis used to segment the iris region from the eye image of theCASIA database. The noise and blurring due to eyelid occlusions, reflectionsis eliminated in the segmentation stage. The third step is normalization. A technique based on Hough Transform wasemployed on the iris for creating a dimensionally steady and compatiblerepresentation of the iris region. The last step and fourth step is featureextraction. In this Local Binary Pattern and Gray level Cooccurrence Matrix are used to extract the features. At last template of the new eye imagecaptured will be compared with the iristemplate database using Probabilistic Neural Network.

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