ISSN : 2663-2187

Enhancing Customer Satisfaction through Effective Service Delivery Systems: A Case Study of Motors Pvt Ltd

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Ms.Umaya Salma Shajahan, Dr. A. S. Sathiskumar, Ms.P.Sangeetha, Ms.S.Pooja, Mr.T.Chandra Mouli, Ms.R.Rajamani
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.4443-4472


The study discusses the importance of a service delivery system in meeting customer needs and ensuring satisfaction. It highlights the significance of soliciting customer feedback to identify areas for improvement and the need for regular inspections to maintain the safety and efficiency of vehicles used in service delivery. The input also mentions the changing landscape of urban transportation and service delivery, including the rise of autonomous vehicles and ride-sharing services. It guides the frequency and timing of vehicle checks, suggesting a combination of time-based and mileage-based checks to develop a more adaptable maintenance strategy. Overall, the input emphasizes the importance of a well-functioning service delivery system and regular vehicle inspections to ensure customer satisfaction and safety

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