ISSN : 2663-2187

Enhancing Public Cloud Security: A Novel Model for Strong Confidentiality and Authentication

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Kuber Datt Gautam, Chhaya Moghe, Shimna Mohan.K
ยป doi: 10. 48047/AFJBS.6Si3.2024.1204-1211


The invention of cloud computing is relatively recent, providing significant potential without the need for costly hardware or software upgrades. It enhances resource sharing across hardware, software, and platforms, reducing overall system costs. Due to its widespread adoption and practical benefits, cloud computing has become indispensable in the modern business environment. However, its popularity and reliance on third parties make it an attractive target for cybercriminals. Security is crucial for service providers to build customer trust and maintain a positive brand image. The affordability and efficient infrastructure sharing of cloud computing are driving more large enterprises to migrate their services to the cloud. Prioritizing safety is essential due to the vast amount of remotely stored data and third-party involvement. This study examines various security algorithms' ability to protect sensitive data with minimal resource consumption, focusing on data integrity. ECC and RC6 are evaluated as alternatives to ECC + RC6 and MD5. The research proposes an enhanced security system based on the ECC and RC6 algorithms and the Rolebased Access Control Model. A public cloud application developed with Java technology validates the proposed approach, and its computation time for different file sizes and formats is analyzed.

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