ISSN : 2663-2187

Epidemiological and clinical profile of patients with periodontal disease and cardiovascular disease: Study conducted at the periodontology department-CHU Tlemcen-Algeria

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Zouaoui.A, Meziane Tani.A, Berber.N, Benkemouche.A, Chabni.N, Bouziane.D.


Since the pioneers, Mackenzie and Millard, Syrjänen, Matilla, and DeStefano, evoking the alliance periodontal disease -cardiovascular diseases, especially ischemic, synonymous with atherosclerosis, studies have continued to flow from all over the world, leading to the same conclusion which proved theregularity of the association. But what about the situation in Algeria? It is to answer this question that we have chosen to address this theme with the aim of describing the epidemiological and clinical status of periodontal diseases in patients with cardiovascular diseases.

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