ISSN : 2663-2187

Estimation of heritability of anthropometry, body composition and blood pressure measures using different methods

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Milon Das,Arnab Ghosh
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 6642-6649


Background: The dynamics of gene – environment interaction on occurrence of a disease or trait is complex. Present study is aims to estimate heritability of anthropometry, body composition and blood pressure using parent-offspring and midparent-offspring model. Materials& Methods: The study was conducted between December 2019 and January 2020. The data was collected on 41nuclear families from six villages about 35 km apart from Kolkata. Apparently healthy sib pair aged 10-18 y and their respective parents were selected in this study. Results: In parent-offspring and mid parent-offspring model, the ratio of regression sum of square (RSS considered as variation due to genetic component) and total sum of square (TSS considered as variation due to genetic and other additive component) were applied to estimate heritability. In mid parent-offspring model, regression coefficients (β) was also computed as heritability. In general, results showed that parents-offspring model tend to be lower estimate of heritability when compared with mid parent-offspring model. Conclusions:Using classical methods of heritability to evaluate the relative contribution of genetic components for a given trait/disease must be interpreted with great caution.

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