ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluating Agripreneurs’ Satisfaction: Exploring the Effect of Demographics and Emporographics

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Madhavi Sripathi, T.S. Leelavati, P. Varaprasad Goud, K.S. Venkateswarakuma, M. Ramarao, K. Susmitha, Shaik Aminabee*
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024.696-706


This study investigates the satisfaction levels of agricultural entrepreneurs and examines how various demographic and emporographic factors influence their perceptions. Drawing upon a sample of 500 agripreneurs across diverse regions and sectors, we employed a mixed-method approach combining survey data and qualitative interviews. Our analysis reveals nuanced relationships between demographic characteristics (such as age, gender, education level) and satisfaction metrics (including overall satisfaction, profitability, work-life balance), as well as emporographic factors (such as rural/urban location, regional economic conditions). We find that younger agripreneurs tend to report higher levels of satisfaction with technological innovation adoption, while older agripreneurs prioritize community engagement and traditional farming practices. Female agripreneurs demonstrate greater satisfaction with work-life balance compared to their male counterparts. Furthermore, agripreneurs operating in regions with robust support infrastructure exhibit higher overall satisfaction levels. These findings contribute to our understanding of the complex interplay between individual characteristics, geographic contexts, and entrepreneurial satisfaction within the agricultural sector. Implications for policymakers, industry stakeholders, and aspiring agripreneurs are discussed.

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