ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluation of changes in intraocular pressure and central corneal thickness during pregnancy and puerperium

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Dr. Shruthi Devi S, Dr. Rajakumar Shery Angel, Dr. Bravian Samvict Devadas, Dr. Premnath G, Dr. Shinisha Paul Bravian
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.4.2024.874-882


To measure Intra Ocular Pressure (IOP) and Central corneal thickness (CCT) in each trimester of pregnancy and puerperium and to evaluate the differences in measurement of IOP and CCT in each trimester of pregnancy and puerperium Methods: 75 healthy pregnant women within age group ranging from 20 to 40 years were included in the study. IOP by Goldmann-Applanation Tonometry and CCT by specular microscopy were calculated at 4 time periods: First trimester, Secondtrimester, Third trimester and puerperium. Informed consent was taken from all individuals. All of the antenatal women underwent comprehensive ophthalmologic examinations, including Refraction, IOP, CCT, Anterior segment evaluation and Fundus examination. The difference in IOP and CCT during various trimesters of pregnancy and puerperium were calculated. Results: The mean age was 26 years in the study group.Paired t test was applied to compare the CCT and IOP in different phases of pregnancy.Statistically significant reduction in IOP was observed in second and third trimesters and returned to the baseline first trimester value in puerperium. ( p value < 0.01) There was statistically significant elevation in CCT in the second and third trimester of pregnancy & returned to baseline first trimester value in puerperium ( p value < 0.01) Conclusion: CCT is an important factor to be considered while measuring IOP. The IOP measurements in pregnant women should always be corrected for CCT thereby preventing false high or low recordings of IOP. Monitoring of IOP and CCT during pregnancy is also important in management of glaucoma patients and titrating the medication dose. This study highlights the necessity to be aware of the ocular changes that occur during pregnancy and routine ophthalmic screening during antenatal period.

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