ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluation of growth of micro-organisms found in dialysis fluid: A microbiological study

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Farkhanda,Dr. Rakesh Maheshwari,Dr Pratik Tripathi,Dr Shama Tomar
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.749-753


Dialysis is a type of renal replacement therapy wherein the artificial apparatus that eliminates extra water, solutes, & toxins supplements the kidneys' function of filtering the blood. Hence; the present study was conducted for evaluating growth of micro-organisms found in dialysis fluid. Materials & methods:A total of 234 samples were enrolled. Sample fluid was collected after a fixed periodic interval of six days from Dialyzer machines used for the patients undergoing dialysis in the: National Institute of Medical Sciences and Research Jaipur, RajasthanDesirable Sample volumes were collected for both purified water and ultrapure dialysis fluid. All the results were recorded in Microsoft excel sheet and were subjected to statistical analysis using SPSS software. Results:Out of 234 samples, 208 were dialysate sample while the remaining 26 were RO water samples. Out of 10 samples of dialysate group among which bacteria was identified, commonest bacteria to be identified was E. Coli found to be present in 70 percent of the samples. Out of 1 RO sample positive for bacterial growth, Pseudomonas sp. was present. Non-significant results were obtained while comparing the bacterial growth in between dialysate sample and RO samples. Biofilms production was present in 2 dialysate samples while it was absent in RO samples Conclusion:With the demand for improved fluid quality in dialysis, it is important to establish well defined quality levels and the procedures necessary to reach them. The present standards for water for dialysis and dialysis fluid should be met before aiming for new targets

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