ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluation of IL-6 in hypospadias induced Mice

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Bindhu.S1, Meera Jacob2, Shishir Kumar3, Yashodhar Bhandary4 Dr Joydeep Dutta Chaudri5
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 9155-9163


Hypospadias a birth defect of the male external genitalia, is defined by an abortive development of the urethral spongiosum and ventral prepuce alongside an arrest within the normal embryological correction of penile curvature. It is the most common congenital anomaly of the penis, and the second most prevalent urogenital malformations among boys following cryptorchidism . The male urethral development and external genital system is an androgen-dependent process and several genes are identified to play a critical role in the pathogenesis of hypospadias. Spermatogenesis is the main role of testes, but the production of steroid hormones is the main secondary function of testicles and is essential for germ cell production. High IL6 levels compromise steroidogenesis, suppressing testosterone secretion by Leydig cells and may impaire the conversion of testosterone to di hydrotestosterone.This study aims to find out the role of inflammatory cytokines like Interleukin – 6 (IL-6) expressed by testis and leading to hypospadias. The mice treated with finasteride to induce hypospadias were subjected to examine for the confirmation of hypospadias and the testis and foreskin of penis were collected for the evaluation of the expression of IL-6 by using ELISA KIT. This study found an increased level of IL-6 in both the test samples of testis and penis when compared to control, however the IL-6 levels were found to be higher in Penis than testis.

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