ISSN : 2663-2187

Evaluation of Triphala Churna by different physicochemical parameters

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Isha Agrawal, Manish Vyas, Pankaj, Pradeep Kumar Prajapati, Navneet Khurana, Neha sharma, Pramod Yadav
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.650-658


Triphala, a revered herbal blend within Ayurvedic tradition, has attracted widespread interest for its multifaceted roles in promoting digestive health, detoxification, and overall well-being, alongside its prevalent inclusion in diverse Ayurvedic formulations. This study undertakes a detailed examination of individual Triphala fruit and Triphala Churna, employing a range of pharmaceutical parameters to evaluate its quality, safety, and potential health benefits comprehensively. Through scrutiny of key parameters such as phytochemical composition, physical and chemical properties, and microbial contamination, a comprehensive understanding of Triphala’s therapeutic potential is elucidated. The analysis not only sheds light on its inherent pharmaceutical attributes but also reinforces its relevance and efficacy within Ayurvedic practice. By delving into Triphala’s intricate molecular profile, structural integrity, safety profile, and antioxidant capacity, this study provides valuable insights into therapeutic mechanisms, by comparing individual Triphala fruits and Triphala Churna.

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