ISSN : 2663-2187


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Janet Beula,G.Srilakshmi, Medipalli Viswaja,Kaveti Balaji ,Gnyana Ranjan Parida , Mohd Imran, Prashant Sharma, M. Vijaya Jyothi
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6. si2.2024.5903-5920


The present study was aimed at investigating the possible antiulcer effect of ethanolic extract of Abroma augusta Linn. flower (EEAA) in variability-induced ulcer models. The results illustrated that treatment of EEAA at the dose of 200 mg/kg and 400 mg/kg twice daily for seven days to the stressinduced rats showed a significant ulcer-protective effect, which is evidenced by decreased ulcer index and increased percentage of ulcer healing. In addition, EEAA decreased the acid-pepsin secretion in vitro with an IC(50) of 150 microg/mL and markedly enhanced mucin and GAGs production that are important factors for protection and repair of the mucosa. HPTLC analysis and scintiscanning studies were also performed to establish the fingerprint of the EEAA.. The present study therefore indicated that an ethanolic extract of A. augusta flower may possess mucous/mucosal defensive effects and hence it can be used effectively in protecting the gastric mucosa from ulcers, without interfering with gastric acid secretion. iUsingipylorusiligationiandiindomethacininducediulcerimodels,itheiantiulceripotentialiwasiassessedia titwoidosageilevelsi(200iandi400img/kg).iTheipretreatmentiwithitheiaqueousiandiethanoliciextractire sultediiniaiconsiderableireductioniinitheistomachivolume,itotal,iandifreeiacidistrength,iaccordingitoit heidata.iNevertheless,itheigastricijuice'sipHionlyiroseiwhenitheidosageiwasiraiseditoi400img/kg

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