ISSN : 2663-2187

Excavation of the reservoir of Indigenous foods for dual virtues of nutritional and medicinal benefits – A tenable approach for food & health security

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Pooja Ambati , Rajeswari Maddali, Lakshmi Velaga
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.8.2024.2209-2237


The Indigenous food system is a consortium of native foods, nutrients and bioactive components. They are envisaged as more potent than normal foods owing to their ingenuity and to the myriad of physiological health benefits they execute on humans. Sparse information on the charismatic nutrient and phytochemical potential of these environmental foods hampered their utilisation expedited to the ignorance and disregard for these foods. Excavation of the complexity of interactions of indigenous foods, nutrients and phytochemicals with particular reference to achieving food security under the umbrella of proliferating scientific evidence can only address the challenges of malnutrition.

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