ISSN : 2663-2187

Experiences of Healthcare Personnel Before and After the COVID 19 Pandemic: Emotional Impact and Lifestyle Changes

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Becerra Goicochea, Lorena Judith, Tapia Uriol, Rossy Paola, Huaccha Tocas, Jorge Orlando
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024. 270-277


Objectives: To explore the experiences of healthcare personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic, focusing on the emotional impact experienced and lifestyle changes before and after the pandemic. Design: This study is a qualitative inquiry delving into the experiential nature of phenomena through Colaizzi's method. It aimed to describe and understand individuals' subjective experiences, highlighting the richness and complexity of their perceptions and emotions. Methods: Eighteen healthcare professionals, mostly women aged between 25 and 54, from various specialties such as obstetrics and general medicine were intentionally selected. Semi-structured interviews, recorded and transcribed, were the primary means of data collection, analyzed using Colaizzi's method. Except for one, all participants worked during the pandemic, with work experiences ranging from 1 to over 10 years. They hailed from different localities in Cajamarca and other regions of Peru. Healthcare personnel faced constant emotional pressure, anxiety, and stress due to uncertainty and workload. They also experienced depression and burnout, dealing with a lack of resources and recognition. They used relaxation, self-care, and social support, reevaluated priorities, valued family time, and implemented preventive measures improving patient care. Conclusions: The study highlights the essential need to support the emotional and mental well-being of healthcare workers.

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