ISSN : 2663-2187


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Sukanya Patil*, Rushikesh Hingmire, Chavan Komal, Salunkhe Prathamesh, Waghmode Shraddha, Kajare Heran, Mirgal Siya.
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 10377-10391


Agricultural and industrial wastes are among the major causes of environmental pollution. Their conversion to useful products may ameliorate the problems they cause.In the presented study, Cauliflower stem and stem leaves commonly discarded as waste materials were used for the extraction of cellulose followed by paper making as one of the applications. For the extraction of cellulose, the Acid Alkaline hydrolysis method was explored. The waste is composed of both stems and leaves, so 3 distinct batches were employed for extraction, a-only stem as source, b-only leaves, and c-entire waste including both; in order to evaluate which part of the discard contained the highest amount of cellulose. Regardless of the results, the study proceeded with batch c, as we aimed at the utilization of the entire waste. The extracted cellulose fibers were then subjected to various evaluation parameters such as microscopical analysis and chemical analysis including sulfuric acid test, vanillin test, ninhydrin test, biuret test, iodine test, Molisch test, benedict test, and Fehling test. Further, the study headed with the preparation of paper from obtained fibers, one among many applications of cellulose. Finally, the obtained paper was characterized by various tests, GSM test, pH test, thickness test, bulk test, moisture test, folding endurance and, tensile strength. There are other applications as well of extracted cellulose such as biofuel production, as film-forming agent, as thickener, as blocker, sustained release agent, blending agent, and suspending agent, ensuring discrete pharmaceutical preparations, and many more.

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