ISSN : 2663-2187

"Exploring Innovative Physiotherapeutic Approaches and Techniques for the Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Mental Health: A Comprehensive Study on the Evolving Role of Physiotherapy in Psychosomatic Wellness and Recovery"

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Danish Nouman, Ahateshaam Ansari, Rajneesh Tomar, Kiran Kumari, Sumaiya Ansari, Madhu Yadav, Suraj Mandal
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.9.2024.4343-4373


This study investigates cutting-edge physiotherapeutic approaches for the holistic rehabilitation of mental health, aiming to comprehensively explore the dynamic role of physiotherapy in fostering psychosomatic wellness and facilitating recovery. The primary objective is to provide insights into the evolving landscape of physiotherapy interventions for various mental health conditions. Method and Materials: A systematic review was conducted, analyzing a broad spectrum of literature, clinical trials, and case studies focused on the application of physiotherapy in mental health rehabilitation. The methodological approach involved synthesizing evidence-based practices, encompassing diverse physiotherapeutic interventions, including exercise programs, stress management techniques, cognitive-behavioral approaches, and neurological rehabilitation strategies. The material considered spanned various mental health conditions, such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and psychosomatic disorders. Results: The study revealed compelling evidence supporting the effectiveness of physiotherapeutic interventions in improving mental health outcomes. Positive results were observed in mood regulation, stress reduction, sleep quality enhancement, and cognitive function improvement. The diverse range of approaches explored underscores the versatility of physiotherapy in addressing the intricate interplay between physical and mental well-being. Conclusion: In conclusion, this study emphasizes the evolving and integral role of physiotherapy in contributing to psychosomatic wellness and recovery for individuals facing mental health challenges. The comprehensive exploration of innovative approaches highlights physiotherapy as a holistic and patient-centered intervention. The findings advocate for continued integration of physiotherapy in mental health care frameworks, emphasizing the need for ongoing research, education, and collaborative efforts to enhance its impact.

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