ISSN : 2663-2187

Exploring solar cell performance of inorganic absorber layer of Cs2TiBr6 and CH3NH3SnBr3 perovskite: A numerical study

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Anchal Srivastava, Navina Wadhwani, Nidhi Singh, K. C. Dubey, R. K. Shukla
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.1242-1256


In the perovskite based solar cells, hazardous lead (Pb) is engaged as an absorber layer, while an unstable polymer is used as the electron/hole transport layer. Despite its enticing features, the device's use of lead and biodegradable components has to be addressed. The halide-based perovskite offers various advantages, including high efficiency, ease of production, and low cost. Lead-free titanium-based inorganic perovskite solar cells (PSCs) have sparked widespread scientific consideration in current years as a means of mitigating the potentially negative environmental impacts of lead exposure. Titanium is non-toxic, strong, affordable, and abundantly available when compared to other elements. The SCAPS-1D software simulates and optimizes the performance of PSCs. This work investigated the effect of various TiO2 and NiO parameters as charge transport materials on the absorber double layer of Cs2TiBr6 and CH3NH3SnBr3PSCs. After numerically optimizing the perovskite layer thickness, defect density, doping concentration and other device input parameters, a greatly efficient PSC with PCE of 28.92%, VOC of 1.2999 V, JSC of 24.63 fill factor of 90.32% is obtained. The findings are highly encouraging, demonstrating the promise of Cs2TiBr6/CH3NH3SnBr3 for efficient and environmentally friendly solar applications. The findings of this work are anticipated to not only improve understanding, but also encourage additional research into lead-free PSCs.

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