ISSN : 2663-2187


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Abhishek Futane, Vigneswaran Narayanamurthy, Santosh Koratkar
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.7190-7203


The Biopharmaceuticals, biotech, and diagnosticsindustries are critical in healthcare and industrial settings. These industries have faced several challenges in recent years, including the need for improved diagnostic technologies, regulatory hurdles, data management and analysis, and supply chain disruptions. In the diagnost ics industry, there is an increasing demand for more accurate and reliable diagnostic tools, particularly in the face of emerging infectious diseases and chronic illnesses. This has led to a need for new and improved diagnostic technologies and more effici ent and scalable manufacturing processes. Regulatory requirements for diagnostic products can be time consuming and expensive to navigate, and there is ongoing debate regarding the appropriate level of regulation for new and innovative diagnostic technolog ies. In process monitoring, the volume of data generated by IoT (Internet of Things ) devices can be overwhelming, leading to a need for advanced analytics tools to manage and analyze the data effectively. Additionally, the kit manufacturing industry faces challenges related to supply chain disruptions and material shortages, particularly in the w ake of the COVID 19 pandemic. This has highlighted the need for more resilient and adaptable supply chains and a greater emphasis on inventory management and risk mitigation strategies. Addressing these challenges will require collaborative efforts between industry stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and technology providers. Innovations in diagnostic technologies and manufacturing processes and improvements in data management and supply chain resilience are critical for ensuring the accuracy, efficiency, and accessibility of diagnostic testing and process monitoring. It is essential to recognize and address these challenges to enable the continued growth and success of the healthcare industry

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