ISSN : 2663-2187

Exploring the Depths of Stigma and Discrimination in Mental Health: A Qualitative Analysis

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Bodhraj Kumkaria, Himalaya Tiwari
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.1611-1620


Stigma and discrimination against individuals with mental illnesses pose significant barriers to their recov ery and treatment adherence. This research paper presents a qualitative synthesis of findings from diverse studies to investigate the adverse impacts of stigma on individuals diagnosed with severe mental illnesses. Through an extensive analysis, the study elucidates how self stigma leads to the erosion of hope, diminished self esteem, exacerbation of psychiatric symptoms, interpersonal challenges, and decreased treatment retention rates. Additionally, it explores the pervasive influence of stigma on politic al support, charitable initiatives, resource allocation, and research funding within the mental health domain. Moreover, the paper examines the multifaceted consequences of stigma, such as reluctance to seek help, social isolation, employment and housing d ifficulties, interpersonal conflicts, and inadequate insurance coverage for mental health treatment. Recognizing the intricate dynamics of stigma and discrimination is crucial for fostering supportive environments, promoting holistic recovery, and advocati ng for equitable mental health policies and interventions. This qualitative synthesis underscores the significance of addressing stigma at individual, interpersonal, and systemic levels to dismantle barriers to mental health care access and foster inclusiv e societies prioritizing mental well being.

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