ISSN : 2663-2187

Exploring the Mediating Role of Students’ Big-5 Personality and PsyCap between Ecological Leadership and Students’ Pro-eco Behavior

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I Made Putrawan , Sipnarong Kanchanawongpaisan , Guspri Devi A
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.3056-3068


Environmental problems have not yet been solved, as evidenced by the increasing temperature of the earth. It is not only needed through conferences but there must be a change in human lifestyle in the form of behavior. One of the behaviors is Pro-ecological Behavior (PEB) which can be formed with a relevant leadership style, namely Ecological Leadership Styles (ELS). Whether environmental big-5 personality and PsyCap can be good mediators between ELS and PEB is important to immediately research

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