ISSN : 2663-2187

Exploring the Nexus of Artificial Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Leadership in the Business Landscape: Implications for AI Integration and Organizational Success

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Vandana Jain, Varsha A Malagi
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si2.2024.5584-5611


The future of artificial intelligence (AI) is predicted to perform complex and crucial jobs for companies. We don’t know how intelligent AI can grow or what its limits are today. AI development boosts productivity, efficiency, and company profits. Due to its efficiency, AI has already taken over and streamlined many human functions. As AI develops, human traits become rarer, making them more valuable. AI development also worries and frustrates some workers. Today’s leaders must notice and immediately address AI opposition. Thus, emotional intelligence improves communication and understanding. This paper will analyze how business literature presents the influence of artificial intelligence on businesses and leadership, as well as how emotional intelligence might help firms better integrate AI. How will AI affect leadership? How will EI impact leaders’ AI implementation and use? Qualitative text and phenomenography analyses of scientific and web articles address the paper’s goal. This paper analyzes leadership and organization perceptions of AI and EI. From the paper, leaders and decision-makers can learn how to implement AI in enterprises. The paper also calls for more investigation.

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