ISSN : 2663-2187

Exploring the Role of AI in Digital Marketing: A Cognitive Science Perspective

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Mrs. R. Jayashree, Anesh Kumar U, George V Antony, Mohamed Aadhil A, Ram Bhupathy K, Samir Mohamed Yoonus M, Puneth Teja D R
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.6.2024.2113-2122


Artificial Intellengence (simulated intelligence) has become essential to the advancement of computerized showcasing procedures, altering how organizations draw in with clients on the web. This exploration paper investigates the assorted applications and critical commitments of artificial intelligence in advanced showcasing. By utilizing artificial intelligence advancements, for example, Normal Language Handling (NLP), prescient investigation, chatbots, and suggestion frameworks, advertisers can improve content creation, upgrade client focusing, customize client encounters, and mechanize showcasing processes. Through contextual analyses and models, this paper features fruitful executions of simulated intelligence in computerized promotion by industry pioneers. The advantages, difficulties, and future patterns of artificial intelligence driven promoting systems are examined, highlighting the groundbreaking effect of artificial intelligence on the advanced advertising scene. At last, this exploration highlights the essential job of artificial intelligence in molding more successful, information driven, and customized advanced showcasing efforts in the present serious commercial center.

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