ISSN : 2663-2187

Family Support For The Healing Of Patients With Mental Disorders in Pidie Regency

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Decy Erni Nasution, Rahmi Inayati1, Nurlaili, Ainal Mardiah, Hamdani, Muhammad Ikhwani, Zalfie Ardian
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.9.2024.4203-4209


Family support and environment of patients with mental disorders (ODGJ) are very important for the healing process. Recurrence can recur due to lack or even no interaction between the community and mental disorder patients. In Indonesia, the problem of mental disorders is still in a considerable burden of diseases, the number of cases of people with severe mental disorders in Aceh in 2021 was 7,677 cases or 81%. This study used a cross-sectional research design, while sampling was carried out by random sampling on families of mental disorder patients undergoing treatment at Pidie Regency Health Center with a population of 760 people and the sample in this study used the slovin formula of 100 samples for the study. Data analysis using SPSS 23 statistical software with Chi-square. The results of this study, the support from family of patients were good by 95 (95%) respondents, family who slightly did not support 5 (5%) respondents, the most result is from spiritual variables which were good by 82 (82%) respondents and at least 18 (18%), for emotional variables were as much as 51 (51%) and slightly emotional not good 49 (49%) respondents, while for relapse of patients people with mental disorders. the most is not relapse by 67 (67%) respondents and at least 33 (33%) relapse. While the results of the bivariate analysis test with a confidence level of 95% were obtained with a value of p = 0.01 (p < 0.05) for emotional variables. This means that there is an emotional variable influence with the healing of ODGJ patients. By giving attention and compassion will make the patient easier for the healing process. The support provided by the family in the healing process of ODGJ patients must really be given because the attention and support given to ODGJ patients will make patients more calm and controlled.

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