ISSN : 2663-2187

Food preservation technologies: Impact onconsumer acceptability, economic viability and environmental sustainability

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SujataV. Ghodke
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.5.2024.10577-10592


The landscape of food preservation technologies considering the factors like customer acceptability, economic viability, sustainability in environment and efficacy is examined by proposed methodologies put forth in this study. Analyses, quantitative as well as qualitative, showcases the direct influence of these advances in technology on food safety, quality, and preservation time. Their environmental footprints are evaluated using a thorough Life Cycle Analysis, which takes into account waste production, energy consumption, as well as emission of carbon dioxide. Analyses involving fiscal sustainability and scalability, which take into account startup costs, ongoing expenses, and possible returns on expenditures, shed light on the financial consequences of adoption.The study focuses on close association between relative technology developments, safeguarding the environment, financial concerns, and stakeholder cooperation. This study highlights the demand for technologies that meet industry expectations and smart customer tastes, helping to shape a sustainable future for food preservation technology. The methodology provides a road map for well-informed decision-making and encouraging ethical procedures that tackle the problems of the changing food ecosystem as the global food business looks for robust answers.

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