ISSN : 2663-2187

Forecasting the Recurrence of Chronic Ailments Using ML with Primary Personalized Healthcare for Patients

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K.Nagaiah, K.Aanandha Saravanan, Vijay vasanth Aroulanandam, Mohammed Juned Shaikh, Surya G, GANESH KUMAR R
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6. si2.2024.5968-5981


Major clinical disorders, known as chronic illnesses, can significantly reduce a person's well-being. The warning symptoms and indications of chronic conditions should be recognised, and when any of these symptoms continue, you should consult your doctor. Early detection and intervention can lower the risk of complications and assist in managing the symptoms. This can help enhance the precision of evaluations and therapies by spotting patterns in medical information. Also, depending on each patient's unique requirements, personalised therapies may be created using machine learning. Algorithms for machine learning should improve in accuracy as even more data is made accessible to healthcare providers. Healthcare professionals may reduce their time on normal responsibilities and concentrate on clinical outcomes through automating repetitive tasks. By generating more precise forecasts, machine learning can lower the chance of chronic illnesses recurring in disease prediction chronic ailments dataset from GitHub repository. Recurrence of chronic illness can cause long-term types of diseases that damage people. In this research, based upon the personalised healthcare of patients with chronic illness, we reduce the chance of recurrence using a machine learning approach.

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