ISSN : 2663-2187


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Ms. Sarbani Bhowmik , Koyel Roy , Madhulekha Bhowmik , Dr. Madhumita Dasgupta , Sourendra Nath Banerjee , Chirag Bhoot , Muskan Agarwal , Fouzaan Ahsan
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.10.2024.5603-5613


During the British era, timber was perceived as the only sources of revenue. Prior to 1927, timber was a State’s property. Realizing the commercial potentials of forest cover, the Britishers drafted Forest Policy, 1894 so that it becomes easier for them to earn revenue for the State by depleting forest cover systematically. Very soon, the felonious timber trade was witnessed and the need to conserve forest cover was felt immensely due to desertification, climate change, biodiversity change, falling of ground water level and many more. In this light, Forest (Conversation) Act, 1980 was passed to meet the concerns of the depleting forest cover followed by Forest Policy of 1988. Immediate actions were taken to conserve the forest cover however, the appropriate implementation of the same became a question of fact. On the other hand, India being a developing nation, other factors such as industrialization and economic development was also a matter of concern. It was then when the judiciary had to intervene for striking a proper balance between the effective implementation of the laws for the conservation of forest and the development of the nation in every possible way. The Supreme Court very promptly took up the concerns on receipt of like applications in form of PIL (Public Interest Litigations) from different States and Union Territories and directed the concerned authorities for the proper implementation of the laws and laid down several guidelines for all to follow whenever the instance of forest depletion would arise. This paper would discuss how forest cover depletion has left an impact on climate change in India and how judiciary has actively contributed to the sustainable development of forest cover in light of the economic growth and industrialization of India.

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