ISSN : 2663-2187

Future Directions and Opportunities in Anthurium Breeding Research

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Vidya Sree B1, Thaneshwari1*,Ab Waheed Wani1, Ritika Gupta1, Sai Mouli L3, RashikaSarje Ashok1, Sanjeev Kumar1, SmritiPathania1, Sarath Jayakumar1
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 3394-3409


Anthurium has gained immense popularity as an ornamental crop because of its colourful and unusual blossoms. This paper explores the ever-changing field of crop breeding for Anthurium. Understanding the genetic diversity of Anthurium species is essential to breeding programmes that are effective. Genetic diversity evaluations are so essential because they help breeders choose parents wisely and support conservation efforts. A wide range of characteristics, such as blossom colour, shape, size, smell, and pest and disease resistance, are sought after in breeding. To accomplish these goals, breeding strategies that range from conventional hybridization to state-of-the-art biotechnological procedures are used. The review explains the selection while navigating the complex process of cultivar development. Prominent cultivars that emerged from these efforts attest to the effectiveness of breeding initiatives with hybridization, mutation breeding techniques. Novel approaches to improving breeding efficiency and hastening trait with in-vitro culture, double haploids production. However, the field faces difficulties like scarce genetic resources, drawn-out breeding cycles, and issues with sustainable production. Despite these obstacles, cooperation and creativity are still essential for advancing Anthurium breeding. Expanding genetic resources, incorporating innovative features, refining breeding tactics, and embracing cutting-edge technologies are the future objectives to be pursued. Anthurium breeders can further enhance the ornamental diversity and robustness of this classic crop by successfully navigating these frontiers. This assessment acts as a thorough road map, outlining the development of Anthurium crop breeding and providing insights into future direction.

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