ISSN : 2663-2187


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ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.1984-1990


The urgency of the current pandemic has strengthened some of Gandhi's core ideas about the concept of universal basic income (UBI) and social justice. Gandhi's vision of Sarvodaya is strongly tied to the concept of universal basic income and social justice. Upliftment of all through all and the idea of "wiping out the tears from the eyes of the poorest of the poorer " is very much inherent in the Gandhian concept of Sarvodaya and the theory of UBI. The notion of the Universal Basic Income (UBI), a modern political initiative, is to provide every member of a political community with a lump sum payment of money each month, without any conditions attached, regardless of their social standing. This will allow them to live decent, dignified, and secure lives. Once a utopian proposal, the policy is now widely discussed and piloted throughout the world including in India. Gandhi would have been conflicted by the idea of UBI but, on balance, might have endorsed it. However, if Gandhi were alive today, he might be in favour of it if private players and large corporations shared the load with the aid of high taxes and reduced welfare programmes. Gandhi's theory of trusteeship where he concedes that surplus wealth created and earned by industrialists and big business houses would be used for the welfare of the community. The concept once developed can foster the idea of UBI. The UBI debates of today aim to redefine justice in a normative sense and represent a severe challenge to the notion of perfect justice as it iscurrently understood. Universal Basic Income's assumption raises the possibility of a conflict with the idea of justice. Gandhi's ideal of Sarvodaya, social justice and a just society may be significantly advanced if UBI is implemented appropriately and broadly. This piece of writing is an attempt to understand Gandhi's vision of Sarvodaya and a Just Society within the theoretical framework of UBI.

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