ISSN : 2663-2187

GFAP Concentration Associated With Alzheimer’s Disease

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Maryam Kadhim Al-Shemery, Fatema Ali AL Kafhage , Ibtihal Riyadh Najeeb , Noor Alamer
» doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.8.2024.2346-2357


The condition known as Alzheimer's is a neurological illness that is permanent and causes mental impairment that gets worse with time. It results from an aberrant accumulation of proteins that have been folded incorrectly in the central nervous system, including exterior amyloidosis protein accumulation and internal neurofibrillary tangled proteins. The prompt identification and forecasting of the pathology in Alzheimer's disorder (AD) patients were the main objective of this investigation. The region of Al-Njaf al-Ashrf's General Hospitals Al Sader General Education served as the investigation's site. Thirty patients with cognitive impairment and twenty standards made up the total of fifty cases that were evaluated. The person in the organization's age varied between 38 to eighty-nine years old around the time of the surgical operation. According to this particular the research's findings, individuals with AD had a significantly higher Bodyweight (27.79±1.86) than controls. Additionally, findings showed that eighty percent of the respondents had arterial hypertension, forty percent had diabetes, while approximately thirty percent of individuals were smokers within those diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The most recent the research's results demonstrated that, as compared to a healthy group, Alzheimer's patients had insignificant increases (p<0.05) in sodium (Na)substantial increases in potassium k levels, and significant decreases in calcium (Ca). Results of the research, however, indicated that patients' levels of (GFAP) were much higher than those of the healthful subgroup. Conclusions: The elevated ranged of age and body mass index (BMI) in this text are associated with an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. Additionally, the research advances our knowledge of the anaemia linked to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer. Elevated concentrations of potassium may indicate a potential disruption in ion a state of equilibrium and a correlation has been observed involving fractures and an increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. GFAP, which may prove to be an efficient biomarker for the treatment, prognosis, and assessment of AD development, particularly with regard to brain destruction and memory impairment.

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