ISSN : 2663-2187

Graphene Family Calcium Phosphates for Bone Engineering and their Biological 3 Properties

Main Article Content

Manuri Brahmayya, Alaparthi Venkateswara Rao, D.Muni Kumar, Han Tsung Liao, Jyh Ping Chen
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.619-649


Graphene family ( Calcium phosphate (CaP) composites, holds great potential as 34 components of bone regeneration materials. GF nanomaterials can be modified physically as well 35 as chemically, which are to be biomimetic, mechanically to be hard due to their capability to s up- 36 port exceptional mechanical, thermal and electronic properties. These biocompatible GF compo- 37 sites coated on the calcium phosphate can enhance and tolerate stem cell growth and differentiation, 38 proliferation into various lineages or interact with bioorgan isms. The development in CF CaP 39 materials and their physicochemical/biointeractions and strategies towards osteoblasts is a great 40 concern to promote faster healing and reconstructions of large bone imperfections or defects. In this 41 review, we explain the influence of the CF CaP and summarize recent developments on designing 42 CF CaP architectures as multifunctional bone regeneration platforms. We have also explored the 43 typical biological applications concerning these CF CaP based bioactive nanocomposites. Fu r- 44 thermore, the future viewpoints and evolving challenges will also be emphasized. Due to the 45 shortage of full length reviews in this emerging research field, this review would be caught great 46 attention and encourage various new chances across a wider range of disciplines.

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