ISSN : 2663-2187

Health Status Assessment of Pregnant Women with Chronic Energy Deficiency

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Agustina Setia, Asmulyati S. Saleh, Tobianus Hasan, Alberth M. Bau Mali, Agustina Abuk Seran
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.8.2024. 1784-1792


The first thousand days of life is a critical period to improve children's physical and cognitive development. Unfulfilled food intake during pregnancy will affect nutritional status as illustrated by weight gain and chronic energy deficiency (CED). the purpose of this study is to determine the effect of nutritional interventions on the nutritional status of pregnant women with CED. This study was a qualitative analytic study with a case-control approach targeting 60 pregnant women with SEZ who were registered at all health centers in Kupang City. The independent variables are nutrition education and the provision of nutritious healthy food, the dependent variables are weight gain and LiLA. analysis using Mann Mann-Mann-Whitney t-test. The Mann-Whitney t-test showed that the p-value of body weight before intervention was 0.524 and body weight after intervention was 0.306, the p-value of LiLA before intervention was 0.865 and after intervention was 0.514 (>0.05) which means there was no significant difference between the two groups. Therefore, it can be concluded that there is no significant difference between the case group and the control group before and after the nutrition intervention. there is no difference because most pregnant women in both case and control groups have often received education from health workers.

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