ISSN : 2663-2187

Histopathological studies and Cellular changes of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis in tertiary care Hospital in India

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TalluriRameshwari KR,,Nazia Khan,Vikas Malgotra,Ritik Kashwani ,Arun Shanmugam,Sumana Kumar
ยป doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.5.2024. 308-320


Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis is a airborne bacterial illness caused by Mycobacteriumtuberculosis. The pathogen remains latent in lungs known as Latent TB infection. After infecting lymph nodes, the bacteria eventually enters the bloodstream, where it is distributed to various organs and results in Extra Pulmonary Tuberculosis (EPTB). In the entire world, EPTB is the most prevalent illness.In Mysore, most so in nonrural Mysore (2020), which has the third-highest number of EPTB cases in Karnataka, there is a excessive incidence burden EPTB. For the purpose of identifying the bacterium, fundamental staining procedures like the Hematoxylin and Eosin staining method and the Acid-fast staining method were used. 250 samples of mycobacterium tuberculosis-positive, formalin-fixed, tissue that had been paraffin-embedded was gathered and stained histopathologically, 230 samples revealed the presence of EPTB; the cervical region had the most lymph node swelling (176 cases), followed by the submandibular (40 cases), supraclavicular (18 cases), multiple lymph node (8), axillary (6), inguinal

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