ISSN : 2663-2187

Household Water Treatment Practice and Related Factors among rural villages in Prayagraj (India): A Community Based Study

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Farida Ahmed,Mohd. Zafarullah
» doi: 10.33472/AFJBS.6.4.2024.1046-1062


Safe drinking water is a fundamental human right and it is remains essential for billions. Contaminated water harbors pathogenic bacteria, viruses and parasites, leading to a spectrum of waterborne illnesses. The study examined water access, storage and treatment practices in rural households of Prayagraj District, Uttar Pradesh. Materials and Methods A community based survey was conducted. Semi-structured interview schedule was used for interviewing the respondents. The study participants were selected by simple random sampling method. The survey data was cleaned and coded before data entry was carried out. SPSS-21 software was used for analysis. A multivariate analysis has been carried out. Frequency, percentage and central tendency was used to measure the strength of association and statistical significance. Odd ratio (OR) with 95 percent confidence interval was used to measure the strength of association and statistical significance was declared at p<0.05. Results The result of the study shows that, only 11.2 percent of the study participants were practicing household water treatment. The most commonly practiced household water treatment methods were; boiling (68.7 percent) and cloth filtration and medicine (29.9 percent). Factors significantly associated with household water treatment was BPL category (P-0.001, AOR =2.474, 95% CI =1.383-4.424). Conclusion From the finding it was evident that the water collection and storage practice remain the part of female’s responsibility in the household. Household water treatment practice was limited in Prayagraj District. The BPL categories were associated with household water treatment practice.

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