ISSN : 2663-2187

Hybrid Fusion Based Target Detection Methods Visible and Images Using Guided Filters

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S.Kavitha, Santhalakshmi M, Shanthakumar M, Janarthanam S
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si3.2024.1115-1126


The combination of visible and infrared (IR) images to create an absolute, accurate, and dependable image is the most widely used technique in image processing applications. This paper proposes a method called Two-Scale Decomposition (TSD) with Guided Filtering (GF) and Phase Congruency (PC) and Sum Modified Laplacian (SML) has been developed. TSD is used in TSD-PS-GF to decompose the IR and VIS pictures, respectively, and obtain the base and detail layers to use TSD-PS with Sturdy GF (TSD-PS-SGF) rather than GF to improve the image fusion's resilience. The Enhanced Preconditioned Conjugate Gradient (EPCG) method is used for each SGF iteration to optimize the conjugate routes and RLS. This method handles irregularities in the structure and achieves a high rate of convergence.

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