ISSN : 2663-2187

Impact of key f actors i nfluencing the attitude of extension personnel's towards e Extension

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Ritesh Singh, R.K. Doharey, N.R. Meena, Abhinav Singh, Smita Singh, Anurag Shankar Singh
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.8.2024.3243-3257


This study examines the impact of key factors influencing the attitudes of extension personnel towards e Extension in Uttar Pradesh, India, during the year 2023 2024. Uttar Pradesh, hosting the maximum number of Krishi Vigyan Kendra (KVKs) across India, wa s chosen purposively, with a focus on the KVKs under Acharya Narendra Deva University of Agriculture and Technology (ANDUAT), which hosts the highest number of KVKs in the state. Data was collected from 137 extension personnel using a Google Form questionn aire. The study highlights the diverse motivational profiles, workload perceptions, and varying degrees of job satisfaction, scientific orientation, and innovativeness among extension personnel. The results reveal that achievement motivation among extensio n personnel was mostly moderate, with 53.28% of respondents exhibiting medium motivation levels. Workload perception varied, with 40.88% perceiving a medium workload. Job satisfaction levels were predominantly moderate, with 59.12% reporting moderate satis faction. A significant majority demonstrated a high level of scientific orientation (54.74%) and medium innovativeness (50.37%).

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