ISSN : 2663-2187

Income and Employment Status of Rubber Plantation Growers: An Overview of Nagaland State

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Watisenla Longkumer, Amod Sharma, Khan Chand, Pamela Bhattacharjee, Serto Sophiya Kom and Nikhil Nikas
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.12.2024.4605-4612


The importance of labourers in agriculture is a well-known fact and predominantly the plantation sector is labour intensive. Technological advancements have not been able to diminish the importance of labourers in plantation sectors. Hence the study on Profile of rubber plantation labourers in Mangkolemba block, Nagaland was undertaken in order to understand the dynamic of labourers and their laments in the above cited area. The present study was made to understand the profiles of the labourers, their working conditions in the study area. Primary data was collected through personal interviews, observation and developed structured schedule. The secondary data and related information were gathered through different online and offline sources for the relevant inferences finally 80 respondents were selected based upon purposively stratified random sampling technique and the results were analysed by using suitable statistical tools. Four types of labour forces were identified, and it was noted that majority (82.40 per cent) of the work force were male, it was also found that wages differed between the trained and self-trained workers and between men and women. Self-trained labourers were found to cause damage to the plantation due to insufficient knowledge. Contract based labourers were also found; profit sharing with the plantation owners in the area. The males earned 33.33 per cent more as compared to females in self-trained category and 16.66 per cent more in case of hired labour. Timely and proper training programmes for the locals should be organised by the concerned authorities in order to sensitize the present farmers / labourers and the future generation. The wage gap between the male and female labourers must be revised and lessen.

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