ISSN : 2663-2187

Integrating Technology and Innovation for Effective Educational Management and Equitable Learning in Nigeria

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Dr. Harsha Patil, Dr. LubhawaniTripathi, Ms. MadhuSahu, Dr. Jagdish Chandra Sharma, Dr.Geetanjali Sharma, Sameena Quraishi
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.7.2024.4029-4037


Nigeria faces challenges in achieving equitable access to quality education. It examines how advancements in educational technology (EdTech) can improve access to education in remote areas, personalize learning experiences, and foster collaboration. The paper acknowledges the digital divide as a barrier and proposes strategies to address it, including infrastructural development and affordable technology solutions. it emphasizes the importance of teacher training and policy changes to support the successful integration of technology in Nigerian education. This paper explores how technology (EdTech) can bridge these gaps. Online courses and virtual classrooms can expand educational reach. Personalized learning platforms can address large class sizes by tailoring content to individual needs. Interactive tools like games and simulations can make learning more engaging. Collaboration tools can connect students and teachers across distances. However, the digital divide remains a hurdle. We need infrastructural development to expand internet access and affordable technology solutions to ensure everyone can participate. Finally, successful EdTech integration requires strong support systems. Equipping teachers with the skills to integrate technology effectively and developing policies that promote its use in the curriculum are essential steps towards creating a more inclusive and effective learning environment for all Nigerian students.

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