ISSN : 2663-2187

Investigating Food Safety Practices And Challenges In The Street Food Industry: A Comprehensive Study

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S. T. Vinod Kumar, Dr. V. Anu Rangjani
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.6.2024.6035-6049


Street food is a convenient and delicious option for those on the go. These delectable meals and refreshing drinks are willingly available from street vendors and hawkers, making them easily accessible to millions of urban customers. Particularly catering to individuals with limited incomes, street meals serve as a vital source of sustenance for their daily nutritional requirements. In many places of the world, there is still a danger of major food intoxication outbursts linked with street meals. One significant risk element is street food sellers' ignorance of the origins of food-borne illnesses. When choosing a street food seller, many customers place a high value on cleanliness, yet they frequently aren't aware of the health risks connected to the food they purchase. The four primary tenets of food safety management are to adequately clean, chill, store, and cook food. For the sake of the general public's health, regulatory compliance, customer pleasure, cost savings, and environmental protection, food and kitchen safety is crucial. The spread of food borne infections and the health concerns posed by tainted food are prevented using safe food handling procedures. The research study was approved out on the road nutrition vending sites in Coimbatore Tamil Nadu, where there are approximately 300 street food vendors. A comprehensive community-driven cross-sectional investigation was undertaken to assess the comprehension, mindset, and conduct of street food vendors.

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