ISSN : 2663-2187

Investigation On The Antimicrobial Potential Of Some Herbal Medicinal Plants Used In Folk Medicine From Uttarakhand, India

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Monika Basotra, Anuradha Jayaraman, Madhvi Sharma, Rakhi R. Maurya, Sadhana Rai
ยป doi: 10.48047/AFJBS.6.Si4.2024.290-299


Microbial infections are causing life threatening diseases which may be treated by use of antibiotic drugs. In few years, prevention of such infections has become challenging due to enhancing development of microbial resistance against currently using antibiotic drug. So, there is need for development of new antimicrobial drugs. Chemically synthetic compounds are more expensive and have more side effects. Discovery of natural antimicrobial compounds from plants may solve the problem. In the present study, ethanolic extracts of leaves of selected 5 plants Viz Artemisia annua, Artemisia vulgare, Picrorhiza kurroa, Origanum vulgare, and Ajuga parviflora were subjected to antibacterial activity against the selected bacteria (E. coli and S. aureus), and fungi (A. niger and P. chrysogenum) by well diffusion assay. Selection of the plants was done randomly after plant survey from HRDI based on reported medicinal properties and those that are being cultivated at larger scale in Uttarakhand. 25 mg/L to 100 mg/L concentrations of leaf extracts were used in all antimicrobial assay. Results were also compared with standard antibiotic drug streptomycin (bacterial) and ketoconazole (fungi) on similar concentrations. Inhibition zone (IZ) and activity index (AI) were calculated for each concentration. Results revealed that all the selected plants showed potential antimicrobial effect against the selected bacteria and fungi. The highest activity was shown against Aspergillus niger. Against the fungus, Artemisia annua and Artemisia vulgare showed activity higher than the standard antifungal drug (AI-1.15 and 1.10 respectively) while at the similar concentration, Origanum vulgare and Ajuga parviflora showed activity similar to the antibiotic (AI-1.00 for both). The study reveals that the antimicrobial potential of the herbal plants will be used for the formulation new antimicrobial drugs.

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